About R.G. Property Developments Ltd

R.G. Property Developments, over 35 years of construction excellence 

Carl Clarke, CEO R.G. Developments
Carl the R.G. Developments CEO has over 35 years of experience in and around the construction industry. His family was the small-town builder in a South East Devon town for many generations, and too many school holidays were spent working on those building sites as boy! Subsequently went to Exeter College to do a Building Studies B tech instead of doing A levels.
A degree in Construction Management was then gained at Anglia Polytechnic. The course was 6 months in college & 6 months in the field. The work placements is where Carl worked for a groundworks company as a site engineer helping to build the quickest Tesco in the UK at that time in Southend, (37 weeks instead of 42!).
First proper job at the tender age of 23 was to run the groundworks team involved with the structural refurbishment of the Sotherby's offices & Mulberry flagship store in New Bond Street. This involved underpinning the entire 100-year-old building with 15 party wall neighbours & installing new lift cores.
In 1997 Carl started from scratch, a construction security business 'Clarke Construction Security or later known as CCSEC' which very quickly became one of the market leaders in the industry using both unique technology and providing a complete service to the builders & developers. The business was highly regarded and thought of as the best solution in the industry.
Clark Construction Security
In 2001 the business started an in-house motorbike response unit which provided a dedicated motorbike response for all the sites in Greater London. This was also unique to the security industry at the time! Merged with UK's largest scaffold alarm Co in 2013 and sold out in 2015.
Clarke Construction Security
Set up a property maintenance company in 2015 which is going from strength to strength. August 2021 completed a very comprehensive Property CEO course.
The Legal Stuff
Public Liability:
AXA AC TRM 4093864
 R.G. Property Developments